Honoring the best implemented suggestions

Clever ideas make JUMO more efficient

JUMO idea management has a high priority in the company. This was emphasised by Managing Partner Bernhard Juchheim and JUMO Managing Director Dr. Steffen Hoßfeld at an idea management ceremony attended by around 95 employees.


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JUMO Managing Director Dr. Steffen Hoßfeld emphasised that the ideas submitted will help to further increase the company's competitiveness and make JUMO more efficient.

JUMO Managing Partner Bernhard Juchheim thanked the employees for their commitment. In view of the difficult economic situation worldwide, it is now important that all employees pitch in "to get our noses back in front". Managing Director Dr. Steffen Hoßfeld also addressed the economic environment, but also emphasised: "I know that each of you will do your part to ensure that we emerge stronger from the current situation. That is the JUMO spirit."

Peter Reinhard, Head of JUMO Ideas Management, drew a pleasing overall balance. Last year, 157 ideas were submitted by 146 employees. A total of 100 ideas were implemented in 2023, 83 from 2023 plus 17 ideas from 2022.

In addition, over 400 small ideas were submitted and implemented using the so-called idea box. This type of idea processing is mainly established in production in shop floor management. "Every idea is important and shows your close connection with JUMO," said Reinhard.

By implementing these ideas, JUMO was able to save around 150,000 euros last year. This was rewarded with bonuses totalling around 15,000 euros.

Christian Roth and Markus Fürst took first place with the best idea. They came up with specific ideas on how to optimise the production process for 2 measuring systems in an environmentally friendly way. The soldering times in particular were improved. This resulted in savings of around 60,000 euros.

The joint lunch provided ample opportunity for an exchange between managing partners, management, HR management and employees on current JUMO topics.

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