11 young people released into the professional world

Great success for JUMO young talents

Congratulations! A few days ago, 11 trainees were released by JUMO into working life after passing their exams successfully.


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"We from JUMO are pleased to release you into the professional world as JUMO young talents. You have always been part of a great team," said HR Manager Alexandra Dantmann.

Training manager Frank Blasinger praised their commitment and emphasised: "You have shown right from the start that you are part of the big JUMO family." The excellent final results speak for themselves.

The graduates received presents in recognition of their great performance. The deputy Chairman of the works council Harald Kaib has also congratulated the new specialists and emphasised the importance of their achievements. During the subsequent meal, the successful trainees exchanged anecdotes from their training period.

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Amalie Kühle Rasmussen +4546140417 +4546140417