Stevie Awards in gold and bronze

Two well-deserved awards for an impressive JUMO anniversary year

Well-deserved recognition for JUMO: At the 10th German Stevie Awards, the employee event was honoured with a Stevie Award in Gold and the entire campaign for the anniversary year with a Stevie Award in Bronze. JUMO celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2023 with many impressive campaigns and events.


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The German Stevie Awards are regarded as the most versatile business award in the German-speaking world and offer companies an international competition platform. The Stevie Awards are presented worldwide within the framework of 9 programmes. Every year, more than 12,000 applications are received from over 70 nations. In Germany this year, there were over 400 applications, which were assessed by an expert jury of 50 managers. The awards are presented to organisations of all types and sizes as well as individuals from the business world.

"Our goal was to bring the anniversary motto 'People and technology on the move' and our company vision to life with various activities in the anniversary year - especially at the employee event. We are extremely pleased that our concept was successful and we received so much enthusiastic feedback - crowned by today's Gold Stevie Award," says Sabine Hauß, Teamlead Marketing Campaigns & Live-Communication and Project Manager of the employee event.

"Throughout the entire anniversary year, we set targeted highlights month after month," adds Helge E. Jost, Marketing Campaign Manager and overall project manager, citing, for example, the international JUMO donation collection for the SOS Children's Villages worldwide, the specially created JUMO song or 2 tree planting campaigns in the Rhön region. Not only the employees were involved, but also customers and partners.

Reach and activate the community

The JUMO employee event received the Gold Award in the "Events" category for "Best Community Engagement Event". This category recognises events that serve to activate, strengthen or celebrate a community.

In the "Corporate Communications" category, the employee campaign for the entire anniversary year was honoured with a bronze award for "Community Engagement". This includes all campaigns that have contributed to reaching or moving a community in a certain way.

Hauß and Jost thanked the 8 other colleagues on the anniversary project team as well as all the helpers at the employee event. "It was a strong team effort that was only possible thanks to the joint commitment of everyone involved," they both emphasised.

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