Registration for the webinar now open

From theory to practice: IO-Link and SPE in the JUMO brewing plant

In a practical webinar, expert users will learn how digital sensors with IO-Link and Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) are used in beverage technology and industry and what specific benefits they bring. The webinar will take place on 6th November 2024 at 10 a.m. in German, later at 3 p.m. in English.


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JUMO experts Alexander Hof (Product Manager IO-Link) and Manfred Walter (Product Manager SPE) will be on hand to answer questions from interested parties. They will be supported by Manfred Schleicher (Trainer at the JUMO Campus), who will explain the JUMO brewing system in more detail as a practical reference. Registrations are now possible at

“In addition to the actual measured value, sensors with IO-Link can also provide valuable diagnostic data, which helps users to carry out predictive maintenance and thus extend the service life of their systems,” says Alexander Hof, Product Manager at JUMO.

“The digital sensors with SPE enable end-to-end Ethernet-based communication directly from the field level to all levels of the automation pyramid, right through to the cloud, without media discontinuity,” adds Manfred Walter. The webinar shows how both system connections were implemented in the brewing plant.

Further information is available at:

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