Applied computer science

Studying and shaping the future on the side? No problem! With the dual study program at JUMO. Are you interested in algorithms, databases, and programming languages? Is logical thinking your strength and do you have a good understanding of mathematical problems? Are you interested in the combination of technical, scientific and business management content? Then the applied computer science course is just right for you.


  • Subject-related or general technical/higher education entrance qualification
  • Good performance in mathematics (advanced course), German and English
  • Interest in complex and logical interrelationships and a strong affinity for IT
  • Analytical skills, conceptual thinking and a structured way of working
  • Completed training in the information technology or commercial field is an advantage

Organizational principles

  • The dual study program combines a scientific study with a practice-integrated training in the company.
  • The dual study program is carried out in cooperation with Fulda University of Applied Sciences.
  • At the end of the theory phases, the examinations for the completed modules take place.
  • The 6th semester is used, among other things, to carry out the practical project and to write the bachelor thesis.
  • The degrees of accredited dual study programs are equivalent to those of universities and universities of applied sciences and allow access to master's degree programs at domestic and foreign universities.
Course of studies
Theory phases Teaching detailed fundamentals in the areas of mathematics, programming, digital technology, communication networks, web applications and more.
Specialization options in the areas of embedded systems, Internet engineering, media informatics and business informatics.
Practical phases assignment in technical and business departments of the company such as IT, product management, digital marketing or our development department
Consolidation and application of theoretical knowledge in practice
Participation in projects
Independent processing of problems

After the study

  • Fields of employment after graduation primarily in the areas of IT, production, service or development
  • Project Management
  • Possibility of international cooperation in one of our subsidiaries
  • Wide range of opportunities for further training and promotion

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Dual Study

Head Office Danish +4546194666 +4546194666