
Mechanical Engineering - development and construction

Studying and shaping the future on the side? No problem! With the dual study program at JUMO. Are you looking for a practical course of study that will involve you in the design and manufacture of machines of all kinds? Are you interested in technical contexts and would you like to put your studies on a secure financial footing? Then the mechanical engineering course is just right for you.


  • Subject-related or general technical/higher education entrance qualification
  • Good performance in mathematics (advanced course) and physics
  • Interest in mathematics, construction and mechanics
  • Interest in technical contexts
  • Independence, ability to work in a team and reliability
  • Completed training in the metal or design engineering field is an advantage

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"The dual study program has a clearly regulated process and the small course sizes create a good learning atmosphere. In addition, you can directly apply and experience the theoretical knowledge in the practical phases."

former dual student

Organizational principles:

  • The dual study program combines a scientific study with a practice-integrated training in the company.
  • The study program lasts 3 years and is divided into 6 study semesters, each with 12 weeks of theory and 12 weeks of practice.
  • At the end of the 12-week theory phases, examinations are held for the completed modules. The 6th semester is used, among other things, for writing the bachelor's thesis.
  • The degrees of accredited dual study programs are equivalent to those of universities and universities of applied sciences and allow access to master's degree programs at universities in Germany and abroad.
Course of studies
Theory phases imparting basic knowledge in the modules design theory, engineering mechanics, materials science, electrical engineering, business administration, drive engineering, CAD/CAM techniques, control engineering, machine tools, assembly systems, etc.
Practical phases consolidation and application of theoretical knowledge in practice
Collaboration on projects with the development department
Elaboration of practical projects

After the study

  • Wide range of job opportunities including development, process engineering, technical sales, product management, and more.
  • New technologies and innovations offer diversity and variety in the job
  • Possibility of international cooperation in one of our subsidiaries
  • Wide range of opportunities for further training and promotion

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Dual Study

Head Office Danish +4546194666 +4546194666